About Us
Only Bidders Get the Bargains!
Our intention is to make the auction experience available to everyone.
Most months have two auctions, estate clearances, job lots, antiques, vintage, collectibles, and general. Check out our up coming auctions
Our aim is to make this a great experience for both vendors and buyers. If you have never been to an auction ..... Make us your first!

Our Story
Chris has a background in sales and sales management. Covering a multitude of products, this last ten years have been spent building up two busy and respected antique and collectibles outlets, and also standing various antique fairs and events across the country, building up a wealth of contacts whilst doing so.
Josh has a background in bulk buying and selling, and with an established and profitable online book selling business which has been running for the past 6 years, it has obtained clients worldwide. With a shrewd move in selling the business at the right time, this led to the expansion of a bulk general buying system, and the running of a huge warehouse. With the combined experience of the team, the obvious next step was to build our dream outlet, Doncaster Auction Centre!
Our goal is to create an experience, our products tell their own story. We realise at DAC that this could be your first experience at an auction, and for others it could be a way of life , at DAC one of our goals is to make your experience an enjoyable one, something a little different , a place you feel confident to buy and sell.
We want our clients to come to us with a sense of excitement, leave with a smile on their face, to be part of the DAC community, because it’s a very happy place which will leave a positive mark.